At Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), we recognize our duty to promote sustainable practices and to minimize the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our procurement activities. As a prominent institution in education, research, and community engagement, we are committed to incorporating sustainability principles into our purchasing procedures.

This Sustainable Procurement Policy outlines UAD’s dedication to making environmentally and socially responsible purchasing decisions, supporting local communities, and contributing to the global endeavor toward sustainability.

The principal aims of UAD’s Sustainable Procurement Policy are:

a. Environmental Stewardship: To prioritize the procurement of products and services that have a reduced environmental footprint, encourage resource efficiency, and minimize waste generation.

b. Social Responsibility: To take into account the social implications of our procurement decisions, such as labor conditions, human rights, and ethical trade practices.

c. Local Community Support: To support local businesses and industries whenever feasible, thereby promoting economic growth and sustainability in our region.

d. Innovation and Research: To encourage the procurement of innovative and sustainable products that correspond with our institution’s research and educational objectives.

e. Collaboration: To collaborate with suppliers, stakeholders, and the UAD community to promote sustainable practices and share best practices.

Policy Guidelines

a. Sustainable Procurement Criteria: UAD will incorporate sustainability criteria into our procurement processes. When evaluating suppliers, we will consider aspects such as the product’s environmental impact, social responsibility, and adherence to applicable certifications and standards.

b. Energy Efficiency: UAD will prioritize the procurement of energy-efficient equipment, appliances, and materials that are consistent with our institution’s sustainability objectives.

c. Waste Reduction and Recycling: We will give preference to suppliers who provide products with minimal packaging and are committed to recycling and waste reduction initiatives.

d. Local Sourcing: UAD will give preference to local suppliers and products that promote our community’s economic growth and reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

e. Ethical Practices: We will only do business with suppliers who adhere to ethical labor practices, respect human rights, and uphold secure working conditions.

f. Green Certifications: UAD will actively seek out products and services with eco-labels and certifications that demonstrate their environmental and social credentials.

g. Supplier Collaboration: We will collaborate with suppliers to encourage the development and delivery of sustainable goods and services.

Implementation and Evaluation

a. The Sustainable Procurement Policy will be communicated to all relevant parties, including UAD staff, suppliers, and the broader community.

b. The policy will be periodically reviewed and revised in accordance with the most recent sustainable practices and standards.

c. UAD will establish metrics to track the progress and success of sustainable procurement practices.

d. Sustainable procurement training and awareness programs will be implemented to ensure that all personnel involved in the procurement process fully comprehend and effectively implement the policy.

Sustainable procurement is a shared commitment at UAD, and we expect all community members to actively participate and collaborate. By collaborating, we can create a more sustainable future for our university, our region, and the entire planet.

Kampus 1

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kantor BPPU lantai 2 sayap selatan
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515 ext. 1251
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email :

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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Hotline PMB
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