Introduction: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) recognizes the urgency of addressing climate change and its commitment to sustainability. As a leading academic institution, UAD aims to take significant strides towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. Additionally, UAD is committed to contributing its fair share to the global effort of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030.

Interim Targets and Actions for 2040:

  1. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: a. Implement energy efficiency measures across all campus facilities to reduce energy consumption by 30% by 2040. b. Install solar panels and invest in other renewable energy sources to cover at least 40% of the university’s energy demand by 2040. c. Explore the feasibility of adopting geothermal or other clean energy technologies to further reduce the carbon footprint.
  2. Sustainable Transportation: a. Encourage the use of public transportation and promote the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) among students and staff through incentives and charging infrastructure on campus. b. Implement a bike-sharing program and expand pedestrian pathways to reduce the reliance on motor vehicles.
  3. Waste Reduction and Recycling: a. Establish comprehensive waste management practices, focusing on recycling and composting, with a target of diverting 70% of campus waste from landfills by 2040. b. Encourage the use of reusable materials and reduce single-use plastics across all campus facilities.
  4. Sustainable Campus Infrastructure: a. Incorporate green building design principles for all new construction and renovations to achieve at least 40% energy savings. b. Develop green spaces and increase tree planting initiatives on campus to enhance carbon sequestration and biodiversity.
  5. Curriculum and Research: a. Integrate sustainability and climate-related topics into various academic disciplines to foster awareness and understanding among students and faculty. b. Promote research on climate change, renewable energy, and other sustainability-related topics to contribute to innovative solutions.

Interim Targets and Actions for 2030 (50% Global Reduction in CO2 Emissions):

  1. Emission Reduction Commitment: a. Set an ambitious target to reduce UAD’s absolute CO2 emissions by 50% below the 2020 levels by 2030. b. Develop a comprehensive carbon accounting system to track emissions and ensure progress toward the target.
  2. Energy Transition: a. Shift away from fossil fuel-based energy sources by procuring renewable energy from off-campus solar and wind farms where feasible. b. Collaborate with local utilities to promote the adoption of renewable energy and advocate for a cleaner energy grid.
  3. Low Carbon Transportation: a. Implement an institutional travel policy that prioritizes low-carbon transportation options for official trips, such as public transport and video conferencing. b. Encourage the adoption of EVs among staff and students, supporting the installation of EV charging infrastructure on campus.
  4. Awareness and Engagement: a. Conduct regular sustainability campaigns to raise awareness among the campus community about the importance of reducing emissions and climate action. b. Encourage behavioral changes among students and staff to reduce their carbon footprint in daily activities.

Beyond 2030:

  1. Achieving Net-Zero Emissions: a. Continue implementing sustainable practices and expanding renewable energy sources to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. b. Explore carbon offsetting measures and invest in nature-based solutions to offset any remaining emissions beyond 2040.
  2. Collaborative Partnerships: a. Strengthen collaborations with other universities, research institutions, and industries to exchange knowledge and accelerate sustainable solutions. b. Actively participate in global climate initiatives and contribute to knowledge sharing and capacity-building programs.

Conclusion: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is committed to leading by example in its journey towards net-zero emissions and contributing its fair share to the global reduction of CO2 emissions. By implementing the outlined actions and interim targets, UAD aims to become a beacon of sustainability, inspiring positive change within its campus community and beyond.

Kampus 1

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kantor BPPU lantai 2 sayap selatan
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515 ext. 1251
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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